Written by : Paula Felps 

What’s Driving Gen Z’s Anxiety (and What to Do About It) With Dr. Lauren Cook

Younger generations are experiencing stress and anxiety differently than previous generations, and that’s something we’re making part of the ongoing conversation at Live Happy. For this episode, host Paula Felps is joined by author and clinical psychologist Dr Lauren Cook. Her latest book, Generation Anxiety: A Millennial and Gen Z Guide for Staying Afloat in Uncertain Times, looks at why millennials and Gen Z are so anxious and how that is affecting them. She shares some of the things that are driving that anxiety and, importantly, offers insight into what we can do to help change this downward spiral – and what that will mean for future generations.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s so important to talk about anxiety and mental health.
  • Signs that someone is struggling with anxiety.
  • Steps to take to better manage our own anxiety or help someone else.


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